Helping Hand in the Heat: Tips and Resources

When a heat advisory is in effect for the region, Long Island will experience temperatures as high as 95-104 degrees.


Did you know?

  • Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States
  • People living in urban areas may be at greater risk from the effects of a prolonged heat wave than those living in rural areas
  • Those most susceptible to heat stroke are the elderly, small children, and those with weight and alcohol problems.

Heat Cramps

  • Symptoms include painful muscle cramps and spasms, typically in the abdomen or legs.
  • Heat cramps are typically an early sign that the body is having trouble with the heat.
  • Get the affected person to a cool place and have him or her rest in a comfortable position. You can lightly stretch the cramping muscles by applying firm pressure or gently massaging them. Also give them sips of water, or electrolyte-containing fluid.

Heat Exhaustion

  • Signs of heat exhaustion include cool, pale, clammy or flushed skin, nausea, weakness, dizziness, headache and a fast, weak pulse.
  • Move the person to a cooler environment with circulating air. Loosen or remove clothing where possible and apply cool, wet cloths or towels to the skin. Give small amounts of a cool liquid to drink, approximately 4 ounces every 15 minutes.

Heat Stroke

  • Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that usually follows after ignoring the signs of heat exhaustion. Heat stroke develops when the body systems are overwhelmed by heat and begin to stop functioning.
  • Symptoms include extremely high body temperature, red skin, changes in consciousness, rapid, shallow breathing, confusion and seizures.
  • If someone is experiencing heat stroke, dial 9-1-1 immediately.
    Attempt to cool them by immersing them in cold water, or sponging them with ice water-doused towels.


County Cooling Centers & Locations

BeReady is constantly in contact with the counties and will update when new information becomes available.

Nassau County has reported the following cooling centers are open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm:

Conference Room at Cantiague Park Administration Office
480 W., John Street, Hicksville, NY

First Floor at Mitchell Field Administration Building in Uniondale
1 Charles Lindbergh Blvd., Uniondale

Community Room at Wantagh Park Administration Building
1 King Rd., Wantagh
516- 571-7640


Suffolk County has received the following information from the Towns:

Town of Babylon: Town Hall Annex
281 Phelps Lane, North Babylon
Open: 24/7

Fire Island: Village of Saltire Library/Firehouse
103/105 Broadway, Saltire
Open: Can be accessed 24/7 through Public Security Personnel (see phone number above)

Town of Huntington:
Click here to see resources posted to TOH Website for TOH Residents

Town of Southold: Peconic Lane Community Center
1170 Peconic Lane Peconic, Southold
Open: Tuesday July 19- Friday July 22, 9:00 am- 2:00 pm


Additional Resources

To report an outage to PSEG:

Text OUT to PSEGLI at 773454 or visit:

To Report a Downed Power Line to PSEG call: 1-800-490-0075


American Red Cross: How to Get Help:

American Red Cross Preparedness Guide:


Nassau County OEM:


Suffolk County OEM:


NWS New York Tropical Page:
NWS New York Website:
NWS New York Summer DSS Website:
River Gauges and Forecasts:
NWS New York Facebook:
NWS New York Twitter:
Online Severe Weather Reporting:

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